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1990s: A Brief History of Wedding Invitations

The 1990s are a time that many of us can remember. In the United States it was a time of economic prosperity, hip-hop and alternative music, and huge technology advancements. These advancements lead to many exciting changes in stationery, and in this post we've outlined a lot of cool, new trends in the wedding invitation world!

wedding invitation from 1990

This wedding announcement featuring a unique font is the first of many interesting wedding invitations we found from the 1990s. This particular wedding invitation features the names of the bride and groom in an artistic circular design. The invitation also has an artistic border, featuring hand-drawn flowers and swirl lines around the perimeter of the invitation. Although the invitation is much more artistic than the ones we've seen before, the format and wording of the invitation is familiar. The invitation begins by listing the hosts of the wedding--the couple being married along with their families--this is only the second time we've seen this, and it seems to be becoming more popular over time. After presenting the hosts, the invitation line is listed and followed by the day, date, time, and location of the wedding. A small section at the end of the invitation is used to present the reception information.

wedding invitation from 1991

This invitation featuring a dainty script font from 1991 is also more creative than invitations we've seen in the past. Featuring an embossed border made up of straight lines and florals, the invitation is more stylish than its older counterparts. It has similar wording to what we've seen so far, but it is only a reception invitation. The bride and groom are first listed and then followed by a request line. The location, day, date, and time are given.

wedding invitation from 1995

The third invitation we uncovered from the 1990s is in color! This is the first wedding invitation we've found in our investigation that features color. There is a pink rose illustration on the left side of the invitation. The text is right of center to accommodate the rose, but the content of the invitation is standard despite its atypical arrangement. The bride and groom are listed as hosts. After announcing the hosts, the request line follows, along with the day, date, time, and location. The reception line is listed at the very bottom of the invitation. The pretty script font was a great choice to complement the romantic feel of the rose.

wedding invitation from 1996

This wedding invitation from 1996 is incredibly trendy with an embossed floral border and navy colored ink! This is the first invitation we've seen with a landscape orientation. Standard wedding invitation is presented with an elegant script font--a perfect use of current trends with traditional content.

wedding invitation from 1996

This wedding invitation from 1996 is the second we've seen with colored ink! Although the invitation is styled in a very traditional way, the classic script font is an emerald green color. The host line opens into the bride and groom, lists the groom's parents and lists the day, date, time and location. The festive feel is undeniable in this invitation to a December wedding.

Color printing, florals, borders, and embossing are all strong themes and trends you see in wedding invitations from the 1990s. We can't wait to see what the 2000s have in store!

Sources: Traversa-Pizzarelli Wedding Announcement Heighway-MacKinnon Wedding Announcement McBee-Lauer Wedding Announcement Gandara-Miller Wedding Announcement Reese-Bookser Wedding Announcement
Simply Classic wedding invitation framed with dreamy florals.

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Built on a foundation of classic design and quality materials, Shine Wedding Invitations was launched in 2008 as a response to the need for elegant and timeless wedding invitations. Our designs are simple, clean, and modern, yet stand the test of time. We respect trends, but we don’t rely on them. Our goal is for you to be able to look back at your wedding invitations in 10, 20, or even 30 years and still be thrilled with the design.
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